Movie: Manchester
by the Sea
Starring: Casey
Affleck, Lucas Hedges, Michelle Williams, Kyle Chandler
Rating: R (for
language throughout and some sexual content.)
Release Date: December
16, 2016
4 Stars; Excellent |
“It’s about real life,” a friend of
mine stated as we left the theatre after watching Kenneth Lonergan’s Manchester by the Sea. I suppose that’s as
good a way as any to describe the film. Audiences are sure to experience just about
every emotion felt in life as this picture progresses. To watch Manchester by the Sea is to all at once
be plummeted to the depths of despair while simultaneously lifted to the
heights of joy. This is a movie that puts forward the notion that humor can be
found in all aspects of life, even those which are most tragic. In the midst of
one of the film’s darkest moments, for example, I found myself in hysterics as
two paramedics attempted again and again to wheel a gurney into the back of an
ambulance. I may have been the only one laughing in the theatre (given the
scene’s tragic nature, perhaps no one else noticed this little bit of comic
relief?), but regardless…
by the Sea begins with an introduction to Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck), a
janitor at an apartment complex in Boston who lives alone, keeps his jacket hood up at almost all times, keeps his head down, and keeps his hands in his pockets. Lee is depressed; that
much is obvious. Through a series of flashback sequences, it’s revealed that
Lee didn’t always exile himself to a tiny 2-room apartment, though; once upon a time he had a
beautiful family and wonderful relationships with his older brother, Joe (Kyle
Chandler), and nephew, Patrick (Lucas Hedges), in the quaint, scenic fishing village
of Manchester, Massachusetts. Obviously something went wrong, however, and Lee
seems to be doing all he can to avoid the place that was once his happy home.
Those flashback sequences, by the
way, are part of what make Manchester so
captivating. Throughout the movie, scenes occurring in the present day are
occasionally interrupted with scenes from the past, creating a sort of mosaic
of the life of Lee and his family. Manchester is a mausoleum of a happier, past
life that Lee used to know, and though at first a tad jarring and confusing, the
flashback technique eventually makes that clear. Lee remembers the past, and
as he does, the audience pieces together his story. They get to know Lee as
they would get to know anyone they were to meet in real life; little by little
and over time, through bits and pieces of his story.
Early in the movie, Lee receives a
phone call about his brother, Joe, from the hospital. Joe’s had a heart attack,
and by the time Lee reaches Manchester, he’s passed away. Shortly thereafter,
he’s informed that in his will, Joe named Lee Patrick’s guardian, a task Lee
very much doubts he’s suited for. From there, the magic of Manchester truly begins, as Lee and Patrick’s relationship unfurls
before us through witty dialogue and magnificent acting.
offers a very character driven plot, making the performances crucial to the
film’s success. So often in dramas, feelings come across as forced and phony,
but not in Manchester. There’s
something natural about the way Affleck and Hedges interact with the world that
director Lonergan has constructed. Particularly impressive is young actor Lucas
Hedges, who portrays Patrick as a snarky and sarcastic teenager, sassing his
way through the entire film. Yet his attitude never comes across as annoying or
overly disrespectful. Instead Patrick’s witty and cynical responses add a
certain amount of familiarity and comfort to a character who has experienced so
much trauma in his life, it otherwise might be difficult for many to relate to
him. Patrick uses sarcasm as a way to cope with his pain, and in doing so, he
enables the audience to cope with his pain as well.
The most memorable moment of the
picture? A scene towards the end of the film, in which Lee’s ex-wife, Randi
(Michelle Williams) forgives Lee for the disaster that struck them years
earlier, even as Lee has yet to forgive himself. This is raw; it’s real. How? I
don’t know, but Williams manages to feel exactly how Randi feels. In a moment
that can’t have lasted longer than 2 minutes, she manages to steal the movie. Randi
needs Lee to be okay. She needs him to know that despite everything that
happened, she still loves him very much and does not blame him for what was a terrible
accident. Despite this, however, Lee is determined to carry his cross with him
for life, and has no intention of getting past his past. For this scene alone, Affleck
and Williams both deserve Oscar nominations.
As I began
writing this review, I found myself wondering if Manchester by the Sea is a film that I would want to watch again.
Initially, my answer was no. After about 5 minutes, however, I changed my mind.
Manchester is probably one of the
most relatable movies I’ve ever seen. Here is a film that, despite being
jam-packed with emotion, features characters that seem to be doing their best
to suppress every feeling they can. It’s a sad tale, but so often life is a sad
tale as well. Besides, this is a film which understands that, even when there
is grief, hopelessness, anger, and fear, love and forgiveness still exist, and
all who seek after those things come out okay in the end. In Manchester by the Sea, Kenneth Lonergan
has crafted a world in which characters aren’t perfect and things don’t always
wrap up in “happily ever after.” And that’s okay, because even so, life goes
on, and it’s still worth living.